Sons of God

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Well known Miami Beach rabbi, Steve Karro, accused of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl gets off with 9 months probation. All charges will be dropped if he undergoes counseling, doesn’t contact the victim and doesn’t have any unsupervised visits with minors.


Julius Giles, a black American-Christian activist, and a friend of Ryan Messano, blasts Sacramento City Council and its Jewish Mayor. Giles, who has witnessed Ryan Messano get stripped of his rights first hand, speaks about the Jewish founded LGBT movement and adds that everyone who names the people responsible are silenced.


Sheriff Tripp Kester from Davidson County, North Carolina, is the kind of man America needs! I'd be willing to bet, this guy wouldn't fear a single wall-humper on God's green earth. I've done nothing but added music, intro and improved the audio quality of the file.

"I hope you are willing to uphold and honor the same oath I took when I put my hand on God's word and held my other hand up to Him and swore.. that I'd give my life to defend the Constitution.."

So powerful.


The Jewish Mayor of Sacramento, Darrell Steinberg, has American hero Ryan Messano arrested for speaking the truth about Jews.


More drama unfolds between Ryan Messano and the Jewish mayor in the City Council of Sacramento, California. The Jews have changed tactics. Less than a week ago, the Jewish Assistant City Manager, Leyne Milstein, actually staged a panic attack and filed for a restraining order just to prevent Ryan from talking. The restraining order was overturned. This time.

(Read about that here:

Around 54 seconds into the video, a random Jew yells, "Ryan Messano is a nazi". It doesn't sound even remotely authentic. That is a paid actor, paid to intimidate. Replay the part 2-3 times and see if you think it sounds authentic, like a person who's really angry or said that because he means it. If so, all in all, we have:

1) A Jewish Mayor who cries out in pain and shuts Ryan down every time
2) A Jewish Assistant City Manager who fakes panic attacks and files for a restraining order.
3) Jewish Antifa members showing up to intimidate.

See the pattern, yet?

The Jewish cancer must be exposed all across the planet. Keep naming the Jews. Keep exposing them.


Smart Americans calling in to expose the Jews and the "Dancing Israelis".


Most of you are aware of the diligent activism and work my dear friend, a Christian American hero named Ryan Messano, does. He's been to all 50 states, he tells the truth about Jewish control of America in front of City Councils, after which I make videos of the spectacle which we publish in order to inspire our American brothers and sisters to take back their country from the Jews.

The cost of telling the truth
This line of work isn't greatly appreciated. It's a thankless job. Mostly, they have focused their attention on trying to shut Messano down, summoning Antifa members to disturb and "intimidate", they have written hit pieces and smeared him online — mostly.

None of it worked.

The incident
Now, they changed tactics and issued a "restraining order" against Ryan — for practicing his First Amendment right. Since such an action is, of course, nullified by the Constitution, Ryan ignored it. As Ryan came back to speak, officer MacPhail told Ryan that he was in violation of the restraining order and actually arrested him.

📼 That's what you see in this clip 📼

The Jews cry out in pain as they strike you
Leyne Milstein, a Jewish woman, and the Assistant City Manager for the City of Sacramento, has witnessed Ryan being stripped of his Constitutional Rights for more than a year, yet she spoke of her fear and anxieties, which eventually culminated in this restraining order. In other words; People should pity her, and not Ryan, the person who've had his rights revoked. Sound familiar?

Ryan spent the night on the floor of a rotten jail cell together with 5 other people. In total, he spent 14 hours in jail. This will conclude Ryan's work, he will no longer name the Jews.

Just kidding. In the coming days, Ryan will be working on a $10 million dollar lawsuit.


A fantastic speech delivered by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. I hope that it will give you goosebumps and fire you up so that you will contribute to our cause in this struggle against the children of the devil, the Jews. Enjoy.


A fantastic, nostalgic video that endeavors to take you into the mind of Adolf Hitler, and his struggle against the Synagogue of Satan, right before his demise. Let's go back to April 29, 1945.


Look at Ben Shapiro, the vermin Jew, who almost makes number two in his pants as he sees his slaves slowly turn on him until one of them shuts it down. Matt Walsh was himself a Jew lover not long ago so nobody should trust him yet. Candace Owens first slipped away, now Matt Walsh? Either something great is happening or this is some form of Jew trick.


Jews admit that keeping the myth of the holocaust alive is a crucial mechanism for maintaining control over the population.


Lebanese Christian Ribale Wehbé performs the song "Hallelujah". I've slept bad this year, but I feel asleep like a child listening to this. Serene.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. This guy cracks me up. "Give it back to the kike". Brother Nathanael makes the case that Aryan Christians should do to the Jews what the Jews have done us. He's just so entertaining.


The Jewish owners of McDonald's must all be punished by death. The largest shareholders are all Jews. The Vanguard Group, BlackRock. Sentencing them to death would be way too lenient.


Ryan Messano speaks the truth about Jews in front of the City of Davis City Council in California. I wrote the speech for Ryan, but he has altered some parts of it himself. Amazing bravery, amazing truth, amazing honor. Great work, brother!

➕ Follow Ryan on GAB:
📅 Davis, California, May 7, 2024.
🔗 Ryan's last video:


This is the story of Shabbetai Tzvi who, in 1666, claimed to be the Jewish Messiah and slaughtered and ritually murdered tens of thousands of non Jews. Shabbetai Tzvi, the vile Jew, was an epitome of wickedness. His deceptive antics and blasphemous claims to be the Messiah will never be forgotten. This despicable Jew manipulated his followers, exploiting their faith for his own sinister purposes. In typical Jewish fashion he ended up being a slave to his own Jewish weakness as he was forced to convert to Islam in a pathetic attempt to evade punishment for his crimes. Shabbetai Tzvi's legacy is a stark reminder of the dangerous consequences of Judaism and the sinister nature of those who practice it. His name shall forever be synonymous with satanic Judaism, betrayal and deceit. History proves again and again that the Jews worship the devil.


A short excerpt from a great speech with Adolf Hitler that has about 12 million views on Youtube, but the Youtube video doesn't include subtitles (of course). Here it is translated from German to English.

German: Ob du meine Arbeit für richtig hältst, ob du glaubst, dass ich fleißig gewesen bin, dass ich gearbeitet habe, dass ich mich in diesen Jahren für dich eingesetzt habe, dass ich anständig meine Zeit verwendet habe im Dienste meines Volkes, gib du jetzt eine Stimme ab. Wenn ja, dann tritt für mich ein, so wie ich für dich eingetreten bin.

English: Whether you think my work is righteous, whether you believe that I have been diligent, that I have worked for you during these years, that I have spent my time decently in the service of my beloved people, cast your vote now. If so, then stand up for me, just as I have stood up for you.


Dennis Prager takes a break from promoting animated child porn (see link below) and actually speaks the truth for the first time in his life.


The Jew, Larry Silverstein got very, very lucky. Silverstein is a wealthy Jewish real estate tycoon, who played a role in the Jewish 9/11 plot. His acquisition of the World Trade Center (WTC), as well as his statement during the interview, make his involvement in the controlled demolition of Building 7 questionable — at best.


American students who protest Israel's genocide in Palestine are attacked by armed Jews. It's quite shocking that Jews dare to fight without the standard 6 million to 1 overrepresentation. 200 to 1 is very brave in Jewish terms.


The pro-Palestine protests complaints are just a pretext. Jews in America have feared the rise in American awareness for a long time now. Now, they're pushing for antisemitism laws that are completely nulled by the Constitution. History teaches us that once they attack your right to speak out against them, the reign of the satanic Jew is coming to an end.


John Fetterman is being paid by Jews what to think, and what opinions he should have. Here, he's caught reading from a screen.


Greg Abbott signs a law that creates the "Texas Holocaust, Genocide, & Antisemitism Advisory Commission" in an effort to quote "eradicate antisemitism in the Lone Star State".


Egyptian MP, Mustafa Bakri, says that they no longer care about living or dying in the wake of Israel's war crimes in Gaza.



Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

1122 videos

Category News & Politics

Judaism is satanism

Read this and I am convinced that there will be no doubt in your mind that the guiding father of the Jews is satan.

A: Start with what Jesus told the Jews. It´s important to understand the context.
🔗 What Jesus said:

B: WHAT. Understand what the Jews did.
🔗 A list:

C: WHY. Understand why the Jews did the above. The reason is that the Jews secretly believe in a different god.

Let´s go through it

0: As you can see one the link below, child sacrifice to satan is allowed in the Talmud by passing the child through fire. This alone should be enough.

🔗 Source:

1: A Jew

👉 Founded: "The Church of Satan" (Jew Anton LaVey)
👉 Founded: "The Satanic Temple" (Jew Malcolm Jarry)
👉 Wrote: "The Satanic Bible" (Jew Anton LaVey)
👉 Wrote: "The Satanic Witch" (Jew Anton LaVey)

🔗 Here is a Jewish source confirming it:

2: The Talmud

The Talmud also allows for raping baby girls as long as they are younger than 3 years old and baby boys who are younger than 9 years old. It also allows for women to be whores, to lie to, steal from and kill non Jews. Additionally, it allows for women to have sex with animals. A girl, or woman, who does so can marry a priest, according to the Talmud.

3: Jesus. The Talmud also speaks of Jesus, the Son of God, as a demon-possessed sorcerer who worshipped a brick and who's now in hell boiling in human excrement and semen. (Forgive me Father, for I have to speak the truth).

4: Jesus told us 2000 years ago that the father of the Jews is satan. This has been true now for thousands of years, which explains the world you see today. There is not a single problem facing us, that the Jews did not found, fund and/or support. Like feminism, Antifa, BLM, NAACP, the civil rights movement, mass immigration, the faggot movement, faggot weddings, the pride movement, LGBTQ, drag queen story hour, the riots, fake news, the fake viruses, the fake and lethal vaccines, abortions, the porn industry, Hollywood, the music industry, the anti-Aryan sentiments, the wars, the bombings in the middle east, the banks, the federal reserve, pedophilia, the feminization of men, anti-Christian sentiments, anti-Muslim sentiments, satanism, atheism, the US congress etc etc.

Transgenderism also derives from the Talmud. In the Jewish Talmud, this is called "The Six Sexes of The Talmud".

🔗 Source:

5: Judaism is the result of Babylonian satanism. Here you will learn a lot from history and how it corresponds to today.

🔗 Ancient Jewish Satanism:

6: Learn from history. Jews have been expelled from 60 % of the countries in the world. (111 countries). In total, the Jews have been expelled more than 1000 times. Some of the most common reasons were that Jews practiced satanism, committed ritualistic murders, blood magic and always attacked God. As you can see in America today. They attack Christianity, they attack Jesus, they removed the Bibles from the public schools in America etc.

7: Jewish customs. Jews have several satanic customs A couple of examples:
a: Kapparot:
b: Metzitzah B’peh:

8: The Star of David. The so called "Star of David" on Israel’s flag is not the "Star of David". Nowhere in the Bible does it say so. It is actually the "Star of Remphan" (or Reifan) which is another name for the devil.

🗒️ FINALLY: Just like a father can never be friends with his daughter's rapist, a man or woman of God can never claim to love a Jew. You are to love what God loves, and hate what God hates. Do that, and you can do no wrong. The Jews are your enemy whether you ignore this or not. You can kiss their behind part all you want, but they still want your daughters raped, they still want your sons killed and they still want your country destroyed.